Monday 23 April 2012

Next Generations

 I believe it has been a very long struggle years for our people to adapt to many years of the Government trying to rectify what they did wrong to our people (stolen generation, stolen wages etc). The Government always has someone new that comes into parliament trying to come up with quick fix solutions for our people so it looks favourable on them for more votes. This is not an overnight fix of controlling their Centrelink income or making a better life for our indigenous children, as it just once again causes even more added issues. The stresses of generations of mixed thoughts and emotional upsets from the past of what the government has done will always be a sad passed down ripple effect that causes many of our people still to cope in everyday life.

I believe the indigenous funded job assistance ideas is more effective to try to change that income issue, the more our people have insight in to assistance in education and getting jobs will eventually change not just unmanaged income issues but also will change our people. The attitudes of our mob will change, lifestyles will improve, child abuse cases will drop (happier family situations), domestic violence issues will drop, more of our children will happily attend school for an education due to role model parents trying to make a difference in assisted job opportunities.

Support ideas within the community is a major need for our people and if you start something like parent and community engagement then you maybe starting something positive for generations to come.

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